Project Spotlight
Micro-interactions and Animation
Valuing customer delight moments, I look for opportunities to illustrate engaging elements in otherwise frustrating situations–like a 404 page.
• Tools: After Effects, Adobe Illustrator
• Format Lottie File
• Original Illustration
Calculator Design
Interactive Savings Generator
Campspot was looking for an interactive calculator to showcase all of the value of their revenue-driving features.
Role (2022)
- Wireframing and Mockups in Figma and XD
- Prototyping with Developers in Figma
- Website Design in XD
- Icon, Illustration, and Lottie File Design in After Effects

Case Study
Global Coffee Cafe
Global Coffee Cafe sought to bring innovation to a small, privately-owned cafe. From competitive audits, user research, persona building, wireframing, and prototyping we brought a customizable and convenient solution.
- Wireframing and Mockups in Figma and XD
- Prototyping and development
- Icon, Illustration, and branding

Landing page for 40 page digital and print camping magazine
The Outdoor Almanac
Campspot, the leading camping OTA and campground software, creates a semiannual, 40-page almanac–featuring camping tips and destinations.
Role (2022-present)
- Wireframing and Mockups in Figma and XD
- Collaborating with Developers and Prototyping
- Icon, Illustration, and Lottie File Design in After Effects

Exploratory Case Study
Felix's Hot Sauce
Felix’s Hot Sauce was a web and mobile design project that focused on visualizing flavors and helping users discern products when purchasing online.
Role (2022)
- Wireframing and Mockups
- Prototyping with Developers
- Website Design
- Defining components and variations
- Icon and Illustration Design

Project Spotlight
12 Days of Campmas Landing Page
Campspot offered 12 days of giveaways during the 2022 holiday season. This landing page featured Lottie file animation to peel the sticker each day and reveal the prize. This project involved working with partners to keep product brand standards throughout the design and building a 2022 digital gift guide.
Role: illustration, animation, web design, social post creation, digital e-book design
• Tools: After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
• Lottie File Animation
• Original Illustrations
Project Spotlight
File Upload Module
Gloss, a custom metal photo printer, required a file upload option for customers. Variable data is updated as the customer selected options–size, finish, mounting, and image preview. With special attention to the end-user, we formatted this module for mobile and web.
Role (2020)
- Wireframing and Mockups
- Prototyping with Developers
- Packaging Design
- Logo Development
- Icon and Illustration Design
- Order Management and Email Marketing
- Monitoring Paid Traffic Channels